
Club kit

You will be able to purchase all of the club kit from us in person. We have every basic synchro need including hats, nose clips and costumes. The only item we do not sell here are swimming goggles. All Club Kit clothing can be ordered using the Club Kit order form

Club Kit order form

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Pink hat

£4.50 - for learn to sycnhro swimmers and junior synchro swimmers

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Blue hat

£4.50 - for youth synchro swimmers to national synchro swimmers

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Club costume

£19.00 - up to size 32”

£20.00 - size 34” upwards

£22.00 - Jammers/ Swimshorts

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£ - children’s sizes 7-8, 9-10, 11-12, 12-13

£ - adults sizes S (women’s 8-10), M (10-12), L (12-14)

Optional name on sleeve is £ per item


hoodie - zip up version ALSO available

£ - children’s sizes 7-8, 9-10, 11-12

£ - adults sizes S (8-10), M (10-12), L (12-14)